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Video Game Reviews

Title: Silent Hill 3
Review rating: ***1/2
Platform/console: PC, Playstation2
Release date: August 2003
Genre: Role-playing / horror action
Players allowed: 1
ESRB rating: M (blood, gore, violence)
Production company: Konami USA, Inc.

Some parts of this game may seem violent or cruel. That's common knowledge if you're familiar with the Silent Hill series. In this continuation, game makers open up some options, such as variable blood color and an adjustable action and riddle level, but most importantly they produce an intriguing storyline that keeps gamers interested in the characters and gameplay.

A less linear storyline would've been nice, instead of eliminating options through trial and error action. For example, it would be interesting to be able to go back and see if Detective Douglas Carter is still waiting outside the bathroom after you first meet him in a subway. This game satisfies for the most part, especially if you enjoy scares and high drama.

Available in several languages, Silent Hill 3 starts in Lakeside Amusement Park, an eerie location that provides a solid cache of environments and spooky sound effects that everyone can relate to. As in previous installments, Silent Hill 3 has some great direction, lighting and inventive camera work using angles and perspective to increase the scares, surprises and make you anxious about what lies ahead. The grainy graphics, the always impactful fog and the spooky storyline make this yet another highly recommended title in this series. Silent Hill 4 should have a more open-ended storyline - a choose-your-own-adventure type giving you multiple ways to solve problems.

Review by Michael Siebenaler

© Konami USA

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