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About Us

Entertainment Scene provides original consumer oriented and industry professional content relating to the field of entertainment. As we continue to attend events and visit attractions around North America along with reviewing thousands of press releases / web sites, we will feature articles about and include links to the ones we deem most important. Some of the information we provide is by subscription only and is not available through this site. We extend our sincere gratitude to all the numerous industry partners, insiders and contributors who continue to work with us, and we pledge to share our own expertise and vision with you.

Additionally, the entire staff prides itself on maintaining a family safe site, and therefore will not display or directly link to areas of pornography or hate. Our vision is to be the best entertainment portal - the only one you need to bookmark, and based on the email we receive - we are well on our way there.

You may have noticed what might seem like a strange omission in the area of entertainment - that of sports. We decided that the area of sports is a whole enterprise unto itself, and we have chosen to stay out of that area so that we can focus on all the other traditional mediums of entertainment, those seen in the navigation bar near the top of the screen.

When browsing this site, you may observe that we list many links to other sites, instead of creating all the content ourselves. That was an easy decision --- when we find an "official" or appropriate site that offers what we would want to show our readers, why re-invent the wheel? We do have a large amount of original content, and it is spread throughout the site. If you think there is a particular area that needs more emphasis and you would like to be added to our contributing editorial staff, drop us a note at the address below.

This site makes extensive use of tables and JavaScript, but is still compliant with older browsers. Thus, the site should be viewed with Firefox 15.0 or higher, Edge / Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, Safari 6.0 or higher, or Chrome 10 or higher, or Opera 9.0 or higher. In all cases, JavaScript should be turned on. Java is not used.

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We try to be very accurate, so if you are aware of omissions or errors, or have some comments, please e-mail us at:
Get Info emal address
Please understand that we receive too much mail to answer all the individual questions received, e.g. about stars, titles, movies, events, etc. But since we are listening, keep those suggestions coming.

Publisher: Kenneth Kaplan
Managing Editor: Scott Weiss

Send publicity materials or contact our editorial, research and graphic design staff at either of our two locations:

West Coast office:
Entertainment Scene
1158 26th Street, #489
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Southwest office:
Entertainment Scene
12551 E. Silver Spur St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85259

All the information contained in this site is protected by copyright. Please see the copyright notice.

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